Spending All Your Money On Rentals?

Nighthawk President Drew Kniffin talks with Multifamily Strategy about how he started in real estate and what he’s doing now. He’s got some great tips for you if you’re thinking of getting into the real estate market.

Rethinking Multifamily Investments??

The multifamily investment landscape is experiencing a pivotal shift. While some may argue that this marks the end of the multifamily era, I suggest that we’re entering a period ripe with opportunities, contrary to the common fears surrounding this asset class. 

Today, I’ll unpack why the perceived risks are now less intimidating than they have been in recent years, and why savvy investors should consider re-engaging with multifamily real estate.

The Investing Skill Every Passive Investor Should Master

Not sure if now’s the right time to invest because the market seems crazy?

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the nature of today’s real estate market. The ups and downs can make anyone hesitant, especially when considering investing in multifamily real estate.

So how do you overcome this?

Why We Passed On This Property

As a passive investor, it’s more important now than ever to invest with the right operators. By “right” I mean operators who know what they’re doing. 

They should be transparent about their experience and success (and mistakes!), and have the discipline to pass on a deal, even though it’s been very difficult to find one.

Investing: More Than Just Growing Wealth – Uncovering the WHY Factor

What made you invest in real estate in the first place? Was it because your parents did and you wanted to follow in their footsteps to build wealth? Maybe you wanted to create additional streams of income alongside stocks or other traditional investments. I’ve found that your “Why” is one of the most important contributing […]

2024 | A Perfect Storm of Opportunity

A storm is brewing. Once clear skies, the forecast now calls for stormy weather ahead in the multifamily housing sector entering 2024. With an 18.5% market share, multifamily real estate is the largest among the six commercial real estate sectors. Homeownership has grown out of reach for many Americans, and the demand for affordable housing […]

Don’t Let Other People’s Opinion Affect Your Portfolio… Too Much.

Would you leave the fate of your financial future to others?  It sounds like a silly question, but it’s not far-fetched in investing. If you invest in the stock market, you’re doing precisely that.  When your wealth is heavily allocated to public equities, you’re not only entrusting your portfolio to the opinions of your neighbors, […]

The Truth About Income Investments

When investors reach a certain level of wealth, they allocate a portion of their portfolio to income investments.  It comes back to what’s popular and what’s smart. Let’s start with what’s popular. These traditional income investments are of the Wall Street variety.  The problem with traditional fixed-income investments like savings accounts, CDs, money market accounts, […]