Spending All Your Money On Rentals?

Nighthawk President Drew Kniffin talks with Multifamily Strategy about how he started in real estate and what he’s doing now. He’s got some great tips for you if you’re thinking of getting into the real estate market.
Under the Hood of Asset Management

In a perfect world, we could syndicate a multifamily property and then sit back and wait for the checks to roll in. But in the real world, we must oversee the apartment buildings we’ve purchased and make sure they perform according to plan.
Understanding General Partners (GPs) and Limited Partners (LPs)

If the world of real estate investing has you intrigued, you’ll want to get a handle on the terms “General Partner” (GP) and “Limited Partner” (LP). These roles are the backbone of real estate syndications, and understanding them helps you figure out which investment approach might be the best fit for you. The Players in […]
Stocks vs. Real Estate – Which Makes More Money?

Housing makes up the biggest portion of the calculation for inflation, so if inflation is high, it means the cost of real estate is going up and usually your values are going up as well.
Are you wondering if you should move your funds over from the stock market to real estate investing?
Class B Apartments Outperforming Other Assets

A recent article in Globe Street highlighted how Class B apartments are outperforming other commercial real estate assets in 2023. This caught my eye. If you saw the title, it would have caught yours too, given all the news about apartment foreclosures and vacant buildings. Now you might be scratching your head a bit. Foreclosures, […]
The Data Doesn’t Lie: Invest Where The Market Is Going

Investors are always quick to jump onto the latest investment trends but just as quick to jump off when the party’s over. EVs are the latest in many investments that have yet to live up to expectations. For years, backed by government incentives, celebrity endorsements, and feel-good environmental activism, Tesla was the darling of investors, […]
Modern Tools for the Passive Multifamily Investor

The digital age has ushered in a suite of powerful tools that can be a game-changer for multifamily real estate. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the multifamily market or you’re a seasoned investor looking to streamline operations, embracing modern technology is pivotal. At Nighthawk Equity, we understand that in the rapid-paced world of […]
How Economic Cycles Impact Multifamily Real Estate Valuations

Economic cycles, the rhythmic fluctuation of a nation’s economy between periods of growth (expansions) and periods of decline (recessions), play a profound role in shaping the multifamily real estate market. For the astute passive investor, understanding the intricacies of these cycles is crucial. Not only does it influence purchase decisions, but it also holds the […]
More Americans Are Ending up Homeless (at a record rate)

In The Land of the Free, a concerning trend is emerging … Homelessness. More Americans Are Ending up Homeless 11% up from this time last year, the biggest jump our country has seen since 2007. The next highest was a 2.9% increase in 2019. What’s driving this surge of homeless people in our […]
Wall Street is Making a Move on Cheap Real Estate

Firms up and down wall street are raising billions of dollars to target real estate with slumping prices. They’re making significant moves in the commercial real estate sector, picking up assets at a fraction of their previous costs. But why? Demand for office space (especially downtown) is very low after the pandemic. So why the […]